Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A New Opportunity

To paraphrase an adage; when an endeavor in one direction is made and lost, new paths are opened that were not visible before.

One of the major themes of my campaign for Commissioner emphasized the importance of public service. The idea that we as citizens have an obligation if at all possible to participate in our system of self-governance in some way.

Now I have been given a chance to act on that idea.

After the May 7th City Council meeting, I was approached by Brent Paxton, Lake County Board Member for District 4.  Mr. Paxton asked me if I would consider filling a vacancy on the Lake County Public Water District Board of Trustees.

The Lake County Public Water District provides drinking water for the City of Zion, the Village of Winthrop Harbor, and the State of Illinois Department of Natural Resources. (Illinois Beach State Park). The water treatment facility is a vital part of the infrastructure for the region that contributes to our daily life, and is key to future growth and development.

After giving it due consideration, I submitted a letter of application to the Chairman of the Lake County Board.  Yesterday morning, the Lake County Board passed a resolution approving my appointment as a Trustee.

I see this position as a great opportunity to gain practical experience in local governance. Experience that I can build on in the future, whether on the City Council, or in some other capacity. I look forward to sharing my experiences in this new position with you here on the blog, and hopefully I can advance the twin goals of de-mystifying how local government works, and give greater recognition to a service that we all tend to take for granted.

As always, if you have a question or a comment you can post them here, or email me at: . 

Also, if you are interested, check out the Water District web page at: .

I look forward to hearing from you.