Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Campaign Website Update

The campaign website is up and running. There you will find a short biography, my platform, and a pretty decent picture of me.  Just follow the link: Fischer For Zion .
As promised, there will be more coming soon, be sure to check in, or subscribe; I plan to post my first campaign video in the next couple of weeks.

If you have a comment or question, don't hesitate to put it in the comment section, or if you want to keep it private, email me at: .

I look forward to hearing from you.

Christopher Fischer

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Path to Nomination

My name is Christopher Fischer, and I am a candidate for the office of Commissioner in the City of Zion Illinois.

I chose "path" for the title instead of the more traditional "road" because the latter seemed a little too pretentious. A path is usually created over time by the footsteps of many individuals traveling along a track that avoids obstacles and difficulties, thus the phrase "the path of least resistance." But sometimes it is necessary to step off the easy way and forge a new path, a new direction.

I am a first-time candidate, and going up to strangers and asking them to sign a piece of paper because I believe I can do a better job for the city required me to really step out of my comfort zone, and to my relief I discovered that people were more than willing to sign.

Gathering the signatures for the petition has given me fresh insights about the people who live in Zion, and their relationship to the City Government; some people signed because they know me personally, others wanted to know what I plan to do if elected, some asked about my background, a few signed because they don't like the incumbent, but most signed because they feel that it is time for a change.

One thing I have learned over the years is how important it is to really listen to people, and I admit it is a lesson that I have had to learn more than once. 

What I've heard from the people I talked to is a deep frustration over the current conditions in the city, a sense that things are getting worse, and moreover a lack of confidence in the City Government to solve these problems. 

It's difficult to listen to because there isn't an easy answer to their frustration, no quick fix that will turn everything around tomorrow.   Anyone who claims that they can solve all the problems we face once they get a seat at the table, is just not being honest.

Change is hard work, often it takes years and the patient effort of many hands to accomplish. To go back to our metaphor from the outset, the path of change is long and full of challenges.

In the days and weeks to come, I will present my thoughts on how we can start out on that path of change.  A Platform statement with a set of action items that I would encourage the Council to take up. An exploration of Zion's past and how decisions made back then still affect us today and into the future. Also, little bit about myself, where I am from, and my thoughts on the importance of public service.

So, my nomination petition is set, all the documents completed and notarized.  The first day to file is this coming Monday, December 17th.  I will be at City Hall bright and early to submit my petition, and ready to take the next step on the path.

One thing, I can't do this alone. If you agree with what I propose, please pass this along to your family, friends, and neighbors here in Zion.  If you can volunteer some time between now and April 9th, it would be a great help.  You can email me here: Fischer For Zion to find out how.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Christopher Fischer

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Welcome to the Campaign

In order to start things properly, an introduction is required; my name is Christopher Fischer, and I am running for the office of Commissioner in the City of Zion, Illinois. 

Even small governments make big decisions. The people we elect to make those decisions, should be good stewards of the public trust, unbiased, not hidebound to ideology, or subject to special interests. 

It is that spirit of public service, tempered with objectivity and independence that I hope to bring to the City Council if I am elected Commissioner next April.
Between now and election day, April 9, 2013, this blog will be the platform I use to; provide some personal background, state my reasons for seeking the office, and detail proposals that I believe will help Zion move towards a better future.

I also hope that this page, along with the campaign Facebook page ( ) will become a forum for the exchange of ideas and information about Zion, what's good, bad, and how we can build for the future.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Christopher Fischer