Sunday, January 27, 2013

Web Address Update

Just a quick campaign update for everyone.  I have replaced the long google site address for the campaign website with the simpler .  If you bookmarked the google site already, it should still work fine, but if you want to share the site with others this new link should make it much easier to do so.
As mentioned in the previous post, in the next few weeks I will be canvassing voting precincts in Zion, reaching out to voters and looking for support throughout the community.  Right now, I am planning the first  "Zion Walk n' Talk" to take place on Saturday, February 9th. If you can spare a couple of hours to knock on a few doors, and let your neighbors know about the importance of this election and our campaign, then please join me.  Details coming soon!
As of today, this blog has logged 1,173 page views! So, I know you are out there reading these posts but, I could really use your feedback either through the comments here, or via email at
I look forward to hearing from you.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Field is Set and Next Steps

On January 3rd, a public lottery was held to determine ballot position for the April 9th election.  Out of a field of six I landed in the number four slot, just about the middle of the pack.  Here is how it broke out:
  1. Al Hill
  2. Sherry Beall
  3. Shantal Taylor (Incumbent)
  4. Christopher Fischer
  5. Lloyd DeTienne (Incumbent)
  6. Shon Sadler
Common wisdom advises not raising the profile of your competitors by mentioning them by name, but as an advocate of an informed electorate I feel otherwise.
Too often, we step into the voting booth, look at the ballot, and realise that we don't have a clue who these people are and what they stand for.  Remember, as I have stated in my platform and elsewhere; the people elected to fill these two seats will make decisions that directly affect you, and your quality of life for years to come.

So, I encourage everyone to spend a few minutes of your Internet time researching the candidates for any office you are voting on.  With that knowledge, I am confident that you will make the best choice.

Next Steps.

This week I had an informal meeting with a group of citizens who had expressed an interest in the campaign.  I listened to their concerns about; code enforcement, crime, and the feeling that the city government is not communicating openly with them.  As always I learned something, and I hope I answered their questions to their satisfaction.  

The question arose, what was my next step?  The answer is, knocking on doors.  In the near future I will be announcing dates for Precinct Walks in Zion.  Between now and April, the campaign will be going to each precinct in the city, door-to-door to engage with voters and let them know there is an alternative to the status quo in this election.  Look for those announcements here and on the campaign website: Fischer for Zion and as usual you can email me at .  I look forward to hearing from you.