Friday, June 27, 2014

A Plan for Zion - Take the Survey!

Update, August 13, 2014. The survey responses have fallen short of expectations. To get a good statistical sample, we really need more people to submit their surveys.  So, if you, or someone you know, hasn't filled out the Community Survey, please go to , take a few minutes and fill it out today.



Just a very brief promotion for the first step in the Comprehensive Development Plan project; Community and Business Surveys.

The consultants from Teska Associates, Inc and Sonolito Bronson, the City Coordinator for Economic Development have started to roll out the surveys to citizens, and to the business community. 

Draft copies of both surveys had been sent out to the Steering Committee for review and feedback a couple of weeks ago. I am pleased to note that most of the suggestions I made were incorporated into the final version.  Yes, that is flattering, but it also demonstrates the people involved are serious about getting input from many sources and using that in the development process.

So, my main point is that if you live in Zion, have a business in the city, and care about the future of our community, then you must sit down and fill out one of these surveys as soon as possible.  The surveys are available online via the City of Zion website at , or at the Comprehensive Plan Project website Plan4Zion which is at .

I cannot emphasize enough, how important it is to have as many people as we can involved in this process.  Zion belongs to all of us that live and work here, and for any plans to succeed they must reflect the values and aspirations we all share.

Too many people take the easy path of cynicism and apathy, they complain about everything that is wrong, and then shrug their shoulders and say "it doesn't matter, nothing will change".

I don't believe that. I never have. Change will come to those willing to work for it, and sometimes its as simple as speaking up.

Here is a chance to have your voice heard, to have your opinion given fair consideration, and to help shape the future of our city.

Take the survey, be heard.